Web story Production  Tips 

"a visual storytelling format for the web, enabling you  to easily create  visual narratives with engaging  animations and tappable interactions" 

Web stories are

How are web stories used? 

Web stories are used to connect with readers through visual storytelling.

There are many benefits of web stories.  

Are web stories good for content marketing? 

Web stories can be used as an effective branding tool that captivates your audience and creates awareness. 

Can I create web stories with WordPress?

Viewer Engagement Tips 

How do I make my slides engaging?  


Story Structure



How long should  I make  my web story?

Most  web stories are  five to thirty pages long.

Pages: 5–30

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

How many words per page should my web stories have? 

Keep the content on the slides short —a few sentences max— and in fitting with the slide template if you are using one. 

In what other ways can I improve my web story? 

Woman Reading 02

Intro, Middle & Conclusion.

Build a Complete Narrative.

Flight Path
Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Make an attention-grabbing cover slide.

Crop  Images For  Effect. 

Ensure that the text can be read with ease.

What story will you tell?

